30 December 2008

Shop at shopwiki.com

Everything is changing today. There are a web 2.0 trends on the web. And so with the way we shop online. Do you still visiting an online store and browse the products that the online store have? Well, other people may ask you to stop that 'old style' of shopping.

The web 2.0 term can be translated as 'more sociable'. Everything on the web is social community based. And so with shopwiki.com which is community based shopping wiki/search engine with some very modish, social features.

“ShopWiki is a shopping search engine designed to help consumers find specific products on the Internet with ease. It is the only shopping search engine that combines advanced Web-crawling technology with consumer-written wiki.”
Why shopwiki.com ?
Well, the best main feature from shopwiki is it's search for the products -just like Google- and show you the best result. Yes, maybe you can just Google with the keyword for the product. But, since shopwiki.com is specialized for shopping, so the result is better than just Google it.

Another best thing is ... since shopwiki is community based, the information appear here is added by people like you. Traditional shopping sites will only show you stores that have PAID for placement, and ShopWiki will give a shopper everything.

What is the product ?
A lot. There are a lot of products here. For example, I'm looking to buy for a new laptop (as a new year gift from me to myself :D ), I just look at the Computer & Software section, and click the Laptop link. And there's an explanation about Laptop, how to get the best article and any other information about getting the best product. And of course, a link for the product where I can get the best laptop. Really helpful and time-saving.

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